Scale Hours


Monday through Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Closed Monday, January 20 due to cold temperatures

Please send back Contracts!!

The Rundown: Skor outlines SAF uncertainties, need for 45Z

CFR Data Collection

SEC sells ethanol into Canada and the Canadian Government has requirements that we need to meet.  One of them is tracking where the corn we are using to make their gallons is coming from and that it meets the Canadian Clean Fuel Requirements (CFR).  We will need to gather GPS coordinates of one of the fields that you currently farm so we can put those coordinates in your account and meet the requirements of the CFR. If you farm in other states, we would need a GPS coordinate on one field from each state that you farm in. We can use street addresses to get this information or a plat book township with section number info. Once we receive this information from you, you will see longitude and latitude information added to your grain contracts below your name and address. Lastly, there will be some additional verbiage on our contracts to meet the CFR requirements.

Please access the survey at

Learn about efforts of Iowa Corn Promotion Board

Educational Material Links to 

 Iowa Corn Check OffIowa Corn Growers AssociationBiofuelLivestock FeedCCS


Siouxland Energy was formed to build, own, and operate an ethanol plant near Sioux Center, Iowa.

The ethanol produced from corn is sold for blending with gasoline as an octane enhancer and as a fuel. In 2007 Siouxland Energy completed an expansion project that increased production capacity to 60,000,000 gallons annually.

Within the last couple of years, Siouxland Energy has completed several debottlenecking and carbon intensity projects that allow the production of a low carbon fuel at a production pace of 70,000,000 gallons per year.


Siouxland Energy Cooperative is owned by 395 farmer members and is a closed cooperative. We are located in the northwest corner of Iowa, just west of Sioux Center.

Sioux Center’s growth and modernization has been steady through the years, with the population growing to about 7,579 residents, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Ideally located in northwest Sioux County, Iowa, Sioux Center is close to Interstates 29 and 90, allowing business and industry to continue to expand. Agriculture is the root of Sioux Center and strongly supports the rural population with ag-related businesses like ours.


Learn More

Farm and Ethanol Groups Ask Trump to Intervene on RFS Waivers | Successful  Farming


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